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<div style=’text-align: center; position: relative; font-size: 550%; ‘> What is an Orchestra? </div>
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<div style=’position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘> Welcome to the Orchestra </div>
<div style=’font-size: 125%; position: relative; top: 15px;’>People have been gathering together to play musical instruments for thousands of years. It was only in the Medieval era that instrumentalists throughout Europe began to organize themselves into performing ensembles. As time progressed, these ensembles began to expand, new instruments were developed and added, and the roles of the ensembles changed. Eventually, the symphony orchestra, as we know it today, was born.
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<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’>[[What are the parts of the orchestra?]]</div>
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<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/orchestra-baroque.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’>[[What did orchestra’s used to look like?]]</div>
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<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/Icon-Square- Beethoven.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’> [[What do orchestras do?]] </div>
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<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’> [[Test Your Knowledge|Orchestra Quizes]] </div>
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’>Instrument Families </div>
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<div align=’left’ style=’font-size: 175%;’>The orchestra today is made up of a very wide variety of instruments.
These instruments are part of different instrument families.
Each family can be described by the types of instruments that are part of them.
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<div class=”column1″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/String Section.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[String Family]]</div>
<div class=”column2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/Woodwind Family.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Woodwind Family]]</div>
<div class=”column3″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/Brass Family.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[Brass Family]] </div>
<div class=”column4″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/Icon Percussion Family.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[Percussion Family]]</div>
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<div align=’left’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 30%; top: 40px;’>The Orchestra Through the Ages</div>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 150%; ‘>The orchestra has not always looked the way it does today. Like in art, music can be divided into era’s, and the orchestra looked different during each one.</div>
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<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/medieval musicians.png” width=”100%”> <div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Medieval Era]]</div> </div> </div>
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<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/sackbut.png” width=”100%”> <div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Rennaissance]]</div> </div> </div>
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<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/orchestra-baroque.png” width=”100%”><div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[Baroque Era]]</div> </div> </div>
<div class=”column1-2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/classical orchestra.png” width=”100%”> <div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[Classical Era]] </div> </div> </div>
<div class=”column2-2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/romantic orchestra.png” width=”100%”><div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[Romantic Era]] </div> </div> </div>
<div class=”column3-2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/Icon-Orchestra.png” width=”100%”><div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[The Contemporary Orchestra|What do orchestras do?]] </div> </div> </div>
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’>String Section </div>
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<div class=”space”> </div>
<div class=”right” style=’font-size: 110%; ‘>The string family can be identified by what part of the instrument makes sound,which are the strings. String instruments have metal strings that produce sound when plucked or bowed using a bow. Learn more here:
[[Double Bass]]
[[Test Your Ears|string audio quiz]]
[[Test Your Eyes|string image quiz]]
[[Test Your Knowledge|string fact quiz]]@@
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’> Woodwind Section </div>
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<div class=”space”> </div>
<div class=”right”>The woodwind family can be identified by how the instrument makes sound and what the instrument is made of.
Woodwind instruments generally produce sound when air is blown through them and are traditionally made of wood.
Learn more about each instrument:
@@.Alt; [[Flute]]
[[English Horn]]
[[Test Your Ears|woodwind audio quiz]]
[[Test Your Eyes|woodwind image quiz]]
[[Test Your Knowledge|woodwind fact quiz]]@@
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’> Brass Section </div>
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<div class=”right”>
Brass instruments are made of brass metal and produce sound through a combination of the vibration of air blown through the instrument and the vibration of the player’s lips on a mouthpiece.
Brass instruments are characterized as celebratory with their full and loud sounds, and are often used in the military and for royal celebrations. Learn more here:
[[French Horns]]
[[Test Your Ears|brass audio quiz]]
[[Test Your Eyes|brass image quiz]]
[[Test Your Knowledge|brass fact quiz]]@@
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’> Percussion Section
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<div class=”space”> </div>
<div class=”right”>The percussion family is the most varied family in the orchestra with many instruments that are played in many different ways. Percussion instruments make sound by either being hit (with hands, sticks or mallets), shacken, rubbed, or even sometimes bowed. Percussion instruments can be made of a wide variety of materials.
Percussionists consider almost anything to be a percussion instrument, including junk yard trash!
Standard orchestral percussion instruments are generally classified into two categories: pitched and unpitched.
@@.Alt;[[Learn More Here|Demo]]
[[Test Your Ears|percussion audio quiz]]
[[Test Your Eyes|percussion image quiz]]
[[Test Your Knowledge|percussion fact quiz]]@@
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<div style=’position:absolute; left: 40%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Medieval Era</div>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 44%; top: 105px; font-size: 200%; ‘> 500-1400 AD</div>
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In the Medieval era instrumental ensembles were used almost exclusively for outdoor celebrations and events/gatherings at royal courts.
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Most music composed during this era was sacred vocal music written for use/performance in the church. Instruments were considered too brash for the church (a place of worship and sanctuary).
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 115%;’>Many instruments used in Medieval ensembles resemble modern instruments today. Examples include the veille and rebec (precursors to the violin)</div>
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And the shawm (precursor to the oboe).
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<div style=’position:absolute; left: 40%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Rennaissance</div>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 45%; top: 105px; font-size: 200%; ‘> 1400-1600 AD</div>
<div style=’font-size: 125%; position: relative; top: 15px;’>
Similar to the Medieval era, instrumental ensembles in the Renaissance period primarily performed for celebrations, dances, and gatherings.
Instruments/ ensembles were also primarily used to accompany vocalists and vocal music.
New instruments were developed during this time, including the sackbut (precursor to the trombone) and dulcian (precursor to the bassoon).
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<img src=”http://baroqueinstrumentss.weebly.com/uploads/2/8/5/4/28546815/1442514_orig.jpg” alt=”Renaissancel Musicians” width=”98%”/>
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<div style=’position:absolute; left: 40%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Baroque Era</div>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 44%; top: 105px; font-size: 200%; ‘>1600-1750 AD</div>
<div style=’font-size: 125%; position: relative; top: 15px;’>
The Baroque era saw the rise of music written specifically for instrumental ensembles. Virtuosic capabilities of many instruments were greatly enhanced, and instruments began to resemble what we know them as today.
The modern orchestra was also born during this era largely due to these developments. The use of strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion together started to become common.
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<div style=’position:absolute; left: 40%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Classical Era</div>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 44%; top: 105px; font-size: 200%; ‘>1750-1820 AD</div>
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<div style=’font-size: 125%; position: relative; top: 15px;’>
In the Classical era, the orchestra gradually transitioned into the standard symphony orchestra of today.
Woodwind and brass sections were gradually greatly expanded and became used consistently in orchestral music.
Two prominent changes to the instrumentation of the orchestra included: addition of clarinets to the woodwind section (the clarinet was only invented in the early 18th century), and addition of trombones to the brass section (especially in music composed after 1800).
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<div style=’position:absolute; left: 40%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Romantic Era</div>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 44%; top: 105px; font-size: 200%; ‘>1800-1910 AD</div>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 125%; ‘>
In the Romantic era, the size of each section of the orchestra increased and many new instruments were added that became common features in orchestral music.
The orchestra has stayed relatively the same since the Romantic era, and individual composers sometimes include other unique instruments to achieve certain moods or sound effects.
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 250%; ‘> Violin </div>
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 250%; ‘> Viola </div>
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 250%; ‘> Cello </div>
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 250%; ‘> Double Bass </div>
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</div><<button [[Back to Strings|String Family]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 250%; ‘> Harp </div>
The harp is the only string instrument that is not bowed. It is played by plucking the strings with fingers.
The origins of the harp can be traced to the ancient Greek [[lyre]]: an early plucked string instrument.
Often characterized by its angelic and heavenly sound.
The modern concert pedal harp was created in the late 17th century with more pedals added in the 19th century. <img src=”images/chevron.png”
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<div align=’posiion: absolute; left:50%; top:20px;’ style=’font-size: 300%;’> Flute </div>
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title=”NSOed” />
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title=”NSOed” />
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title=”NSOed” />
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title=”NSOed” />
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</div><<cacheaudio “orchestra_tuning” “sounds/tuning.mp3”>>
<<cacheaudio “victory” “sounds/victory-fanfare.wav”>>
<<cacheaudio “clapping” “sounds/crowd-clapping.wav”>>
<<button [[Back to Strings|String Family]]>>
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<<button [[Woodwind Family]]>>
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Learn even more about:
@@.Alt;[[Snare Drums]]
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[[Hand Drums]]
[[Latin Percussion]]
[[International Mix]]
[[Sound Effects]]
[[Test Your Ears|percussion audio quiz]]
[[Test Your Eyes|percussion image quiz]]
[[Test Your Knowledge|percussion fact quiz]]@@
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style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Demo]]>>
<div class=”videoWrapper”><iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/VrZmba40DbY” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe></div> <img src=”images/chevron.png”
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title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Demo]]>>
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title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Demo]]>>
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title=”NSOed” />
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title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Demo]]>>
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title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Demo]]>>
<div class=”videoWrapper”>
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</div><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments from the audio clips below.</div>
<div style=’font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”left” style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/string quiz/violin quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer1string” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/string quiz/cello quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer2string” “”>>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right” style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/string quiz/viola quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer3string” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/string quiz/bass quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer4string” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|string quiz answer]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:relative; top:-130px;font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns4″>
<div class=”column1″>
<img src=”images/Violin clickable.png”>
<<textbox “$answer1imgstring” “”>>
<div class=”column2″>
<img src=”images/Viola Clickable.png”>
<<textbox “$answer2imgstring” “”>>
<div class=”column3″>
<img src=”images/Cello Clickable.png”>
<<textbox “$answer3imgstring” “”>>
<div class=”column4″>
<img src=”images/double bass Clickable.png”>
<<textbox “$answer4imgstring” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|string quiz answer visual]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:relative; top:-130px;font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: 1.do not forget to capitalize 2.use letters only</div>
What are bows made of?
<<textbox “$answer1qzstring” “”>>
How many strings do string instruments have?
<<textbox “$answer2qzstring” “”>>
Which string instrument plays the highest notes?
<<textbox “$answer3qzstring” “”>>
Which string instrument plays the lowest notes?
<<textbox “$answer4qzstring” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|string fact answer visual]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments from the audio clips below.</div>
<div style=’font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”left” style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/woodwind quiz/clarinet quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer1woodwind” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/woodwind quiz/bassoon quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer2woodwind” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/woodwind quiz/flute quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer3woodwind” “”>>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right” style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/woodwind quiz/english horn quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer4woodwind” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/woodwind quiz/oboe quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer5woodwind” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/woodwind quiz/piccolo quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer6woodwind” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|woodwind quiz answer]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:relative; top:-130px;font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns5″ style=’position:relative; top: 0px;’>
<div class=”column1″>
<img src=”images/Piccolo.png” style=’max-height: 400px;’>
<<textbox “$answer1imgww” “”>>
<div class=”column2″>
<img src=”images/Flute.png” style=’max-height: 400px;’>
<<textbox “$answer2imgww” “”>>
<div class=”column3″>
<img src=”images/Clarinet.png” style=’max-height: 400px;’>
<<textbox “$answer3imgww” “”>>
<div class=”column2-2″>
<img src=”images/Oboe.png” style=’max-height: 400px;’>
<<textbox “$answer5imgww” “”>>
<div class=”column1-2″>
<img src=”images/English Horn.png” style=’max-height: 400px;’>
<<textbox “$answer6imgww” “”>>
<div class=”column3-2″>
<img src=”images/Bassoon.png” style=’max-height: 400px;’>
<<textbox “$answer7imgww” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|woodwind quiz answer visual]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:relative; top:-130px;font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”left” style=’text-align: center;’>
True or False, are all woodwind instruments made of wood?
<<textbox “$answer1qzww” “”>>
What do clarinets, oboes, english horns, and bassons use to make sound?
<<textbox “$answer2qzww” “”>>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right” style=’text-align: center;’>
Which woodwind instrument plays the highest notes?
<<textbox “$answer3qzww” “”>>
Which woodwind instrument plays the lowest notes?
<<textbox “$answer4qzww” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|woodwind fact answer visual]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments from the audio clips below.</div>
<div style=’font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”left” style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/brass quiz/tuba quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer1brass” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/brass quiz/horn quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer2brass” “”>>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right” style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/brass quiz/trombone quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer3brass” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/brass quiz/trumpet quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer4brass” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|brass quiz answer]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:relative; top:-130px;font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns4″>
<div class=”column1″>
<img src=”images/Trumpet.png” style=”height: 400px;”>
<<textbox “$answer1imgbrass” “”>>
<div class=”column2″>
<img src=”images/Horn.png” style=”height: 400px;”>
<<textbox “$answer2imgbrass” “”>>
<div class=”column3″>
<img src=”images/Trombone.png” style=”height: 400px;”>
<<textbox “$answer3imgbrass” “”>>
<div class=”column4″>
<img src=”images/Tuba.png” style=”height: 400px;”>
<<textbox “$answer4imgbrass” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|brass quiz answer visual]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:relative; top:-130px;font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”left” style=’text-align: left;’>
Which brass instrument uses a slide instead of pistons (buttons)?
<<textbox “$answer1qzbrass” “”>>
What do brass players use to make sound?
<<textbox “$answer2qzbrass” “”>>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right” style=’text-align: left;’>
Which brass instrument plays the highest notes?
<<textbox “$answer3qzbrass” “”>>
Which brass instrument plays the lowest notes?
<<textbox “$answer4qzbrass” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|brass fact answer visual]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments from the audio clips below.</div>
<div style=’font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”column1″ style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/percussion quiz/glockenspiel quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer1perc” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/percussion quiz/vibraphone quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer3perc” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/percussion quiz/xylophone quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer5perc” “”>>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”column3″ style=’text-align: center;’>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/percussion quiz/chimes quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer2perc” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/percussion quiz/timpani quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer4perc” “”>>
<audio src=”sounds/quiz/percussion quiz/cowbell quiz.wav” type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<<textbox “$answer6perc” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|percussion quiz answer]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 200%; position: center; top: 0px;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns4″>
<div class=”column1″>
<img src=”images/glockenspiel.jpg” style=’max-width: 150px; text-align: bottom;’>
<<textbox “$answer1imgperc” “”>>
<div class=”column2″>
<img src=”images/xylophone.jpg” style=’max-width: 250px;’>
<<textbox “$answer2imgperc” “”>>
<div class=”column3″>
<img src=”images/vibraphone.jpg” style=’max-width: 250px;’>
<<textbox “$answer3imgperc” “”>>
<div class=”column4″>
<img src=”images/chimes.jpg” style=’max-width: 200px;’>
<<textbox “$answer4imgperc” “”>>
<div class=”column1-2″>
<img src=”images/timpani.jpg” style=’max-width: 300px;’>
<<textbox “$answer5imgperc” “”>>
<div class=”column3-2″>
<img src=”images/cowbell.png” style=’max-width: 200px; max-height: 300px; align-items: center;’>
<<textbox “$answer6imgperc” “”>>
<div style=’position:relative; text-align: center; font-size: 250%;’>
<<button [[Submit|percussion quiz answer visual]]>><</button>>
</div><img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width:150px; height:170px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:relative; top:-130px;font-size: 200%; text-align: center;’>Identify the instruments shown below.</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”left” style=’text-align: left;’>
What is a snare drum played with?
<<textbox “$answer1qzpercs” “”>>
What is a xylophone played with?
<<textbox “$answer2qzpercs” “”>>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right” style=’text-align: left;’>
Which instruments are also known as kettle drums?
<<textbox “$answer3qzpercs” “”>>
What type of percussion instruments can play pitches like //do re mi// ?
<<textbox “$answer4qzpercs” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|percussion fact answer visual]]>><</button>><<if $answer1string is “Violin” and $answer2string is “Cello” and $answer3string is “Viola” and $answer4string is “Double bass”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[String Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|string audio quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[String Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1woodwind is “Clarinet” and $answer2woodwind is “Bassoon” and $answer3woodwind is “Flute” and $answer4woodwind is “English horn” and $answer5woodwind is “Oboe” and $answer6woodwind is “Piccolo”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Woodwind Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|woodwind audio quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Woodwind Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1brass is “Tuba” and $answer2brass is “French horn” and $answer3brass is “Trombone” and $answer4brass is “Trumpet”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Brass Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|brass audio quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Brass Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1perc is “Glockenspiel” and $answer2perc is “Tubular bells” and $answer3perc is “Vibraphone” and $answer4perc is “Timpani” and $answer5perc is “Xylophone” and $answer6perc is “Cowbell”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Percussion Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|percussion audio quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Percussion Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|What did orchestra’s used to look like?]]>>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 40%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>The Contemporary Orchestra </div><<if $answer1imgstring is “Violin” and $answer2imgstring is “Viola” and $answer3imgstring is “Cello” and $answer4imgstring is “Double bass”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[String Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|string image quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[String Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1imgww is “Piccolo” and $answer2imgww is “Flute” and $answer3imgww is “Clarinet” and $answer5imgww is “Oboe” and $answer6imgww is “English horn” and $answer7imgww is “Bassoon”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Woodwind Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|woodwind image quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Woodwind Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1imgbrass is “Trumpet” and $answer2imgbrass is “French horn” and $answer3imgbrass is “Trombone” and $answer4imgbrass is “Tuba”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Brass Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|brass image quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Brass Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1imgperc is “Glockenspiel” and $answer2imgperc is “Xylophone” and $answer3imgperc is “Vibraphone” and $answer4imgperc is “Tubular bells” and $answer5imgperc is “Timpani” and $answer6imgperc is “Cowbell”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Percussion Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|percussion image quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Percussion Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1qzstring is “Horse hair” and $answer2qzstring is “Four” and $answer3qzstring is “Violin” and $answer4qzstring is “Double bass”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[String Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|string fact quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[String Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if $answer1qzww is “False” and $answer2qzww is “Reeds” and $answer3qzww is “Piccolo” and $answer4qzww is “Bassoon”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Woodwind Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|woodwind fact quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Woodwind Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if $answer1qzbrass is “Trombone” and $answer2qzbrass is “Mouth piece” and $answer3qzbrass is “Trumpet” and $answer4qzbrass is “Tuba”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Brass Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|brass fact quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Brass Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<if $answer1qzpercs is “Sticks” and $answer2qzpercs is “Mallets” and $answer3qzpercs is “Timpani” and $answer4qzpercs is “Pitched”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Percussion Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|percussion fact quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Percussion Family]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
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title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|short History]]>>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘> The Role of the Orchestra </div>
<div align=’left’ style=’font-size: 150%; ‘>Ochestras perform a wide range of music and have been doing so for centuries. The orchestra however does not always perform on their own. </div>
<div class=”columns4″>
<div class=”column1″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/icon-orchestra.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’>[[The Orchestra as the Star]]</div>
<div class=”column2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/media.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’>[[Orchestras in Media]]</div>
<div class=”column3″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/pomeroy.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’> [[Orchestra & Voice]]</div>
<div class=”column4″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/q-mark.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 185%;’> [[Test Your Knowledge|Orchestra Quizes]]</div>
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|What do orchestras do?]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’>The Orchestra as the Star</div>
<div class=”columns5″>
<div class=”column1″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Symphony]]</div>
<div class=”column2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Suites]]</div>
<div class=”column3″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Concertos]]</div>
</div><<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
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title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|What do orchestras do?]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’>Orchestra & Voice</div>
<div class=”columns5″>
<div class=”column1″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Opera]]</div>
<div class=”column2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Music Theatre]]</div>
<div class=”column3″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Jazz and Popular Culture]]</div>
</div><<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
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title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’>Orchestras in Media</div>
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<div class=”column2″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Film & Television]]</div>
<div class=”column3″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/background.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Video Games]] </div>
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|The Orchestra as the Star]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 300%; line-height: 0.5em’>The Symphony</div>
<div class=”columns”>
<div class=”left”>
<div class=”videoWrapper”>
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/VX6_jLibics” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right”>
Symphonies are one of the most important works an orchestra can do.
Symphonies tend to be long pieces (from 20-90 minutes long) with multiple parts. These parts are called movements.
Most symphonies have 4 movements and tend to follow a structure that looks something like this:
Allegro – Introductory movement of a lively speed
Largo – A slow movement that usually contrasts with the first
Scherzo – A fast movement that can sound dance-like.
Finale – This is where most composers give the orchestra an opportunity to show off their skills. The last movement of a symphony is often grandiose and complex.
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|The Orchestra as the Star]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 300%; line-height: 0.5em’>The Suite</div>
<div class=”columns”>
<div class=”left”>
<div class=”videoWrapper”>
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/k91n8vZVIHI” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe> </div></div>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right”>
A suite is a series of musical works that traditionally feature certain types of dances such as the chaconne, gigue(jig), minuet and many more. In more modern times the suite lost its dance focus. A suite now is more commonly a collection of shorter pieces meant to be played together as a set.
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|The Orchestra as the Star]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 300%; line-height: 0.5em’>The Concerto</div>
<div class=”columns”>
<div class=”left”>
<div class=”videoWrapper”>
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/LUNQt2hWFfg” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe> </div></div>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right”>
Concerto’s are very similar to symphonies. They are longer pieces, typically divided into movements with contrasting tempi, but rather than featuring the whole orchestra, concertos feature a soloist accompanied by an orchestra.
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Orchestra & Voice]]>>
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>What is opera?</div>
<div style=’font-size: 125%; position: relative; top: 15px;’>Opera is a type of Theater where nearly everything is sung rather than spoken. During these performances rather than being on stage the orchestra finds itself in what is called a pit. The pit is a lowered section of floor in front of the stage or even a separate space under the stage. </div>
<div class=”columns3″>
<div class=”left”>
Some of these songs are solos where the actor/singer features their musical skills and shares their characters emotions. These are known as Arias:
<audio src=”sounds/Aria.mp3″ type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
Some of these songs focus more on text and exist to help move the story along and give the audience more information. These are known as Recitatif:
<audio src=”sounds/Recitatif.mp3″ type=”audio/wav” controls></audio>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right”>
Operas do not exclusively feature singers however. To begin the performance the orchestra will play what is called an Overture on its own which sets the scene/mood for the opera.
<div class=”videoWrapper”>
<iframe width=”720″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/mjpFi9bn1do” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Orchestra & Voice]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 300%; line-height: 0.5em’>Musical Theatre</div>
<div class=”columns”>
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<div class=”videoWrapper”>
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/RwzlEdlThts” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe> </div></div>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right”>
Musical Theater is a type of theater similar to opera where some of what happens on stage is sung, but rather than have the actors sing throughout the performance, musical theater has sections of dialogue and sometimes dance interspersed. Singers of musical theater also use a different vocal technique from opera singers.
Like in Opera the orchestra’s role in musical theater is to set a mood and create an ambience for the drama and perform from a place called the pit.
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
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title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Orchestras in Media]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 300%; line-height: 0.5em’>Film & Television</div>
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<div class=”videoWrapper”>
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/dxoKZxmXE5A” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe> </div></div>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right”>
The orchestra’s purpose within a film or television series is to help set scenes and enhance the emotions being felt by the viewer. This means the orchestra will often record many pieces for many changing scenes.
Can you hear the scene changes in this musical example?
<<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
<img src=”images/chevron.png”
style=”position:absolute; right:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”Chevron” />
<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width: auto; height:100px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<<button [[Back|Orchestras in Media]]>>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 300%; line-height: 0.5em’>Video Game Music</div>
<div class=”columns”>
<div class=”left”>
<div class=”videoWrapper”>
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/6bn_kVWh8EQ” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div>
<div class=”space”></div>
<div class=”right”>
The orchestra also often finds itself playing music for video games. The orchestra’s purpose within the game is to help set scenes and enhance the emotions being felt by the players. This means the orchestra will often record many pieces for many changing scenes in a game.
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<div class=”column1″>
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/C–kuq3ia1o?start=10″ title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div clas=”column3″>
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’>Instrument Quizes</div>
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: Do not forget to capitalize the first letter of ALL your answers.</div>
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<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 150%; color: white;’>Brass
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<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 150%; color: white;’>Woodwind
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<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 150%; color: white;’>Strings
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<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 45%; top: 40px;’>Quizzes</div>
<div style=’font-size: 150%; text-align: center; color: #FF0000;’>Hint: Do not forget to capitalize the first letter for ALL your answers.</div>
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<div class=”column1″>
<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/sackbut.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Instrument Quizes]]</div>
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<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’>[[Orchestra History Quiz]]</div>
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<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/Icon-Square- Beethoven.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[Orchestra as the Star Quiz]]</div>
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<div class=”imgcontainer”> <img src=”images/pomeroy.png” width=”100%”>
<div class=”centered” style=’font-size: 175%;’> [[Orchestra and Voice Quiz]]</div>
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<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
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title=”NSOed” />
<div align=’center’ style=’font-size: 350%; position:absolute; left: 35%; top: 40px;’>Orchestra History Quiz</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns5″>
<div class=”column1″>
1. True or False: Opera singers and Musical Theatre singers use the same vocal techniques.
<<textbox “$answer1ov” “”>>
<div class=”column2″>
2. When accompanying a ballet, opera or musical theatre the orchestra plays from where?
A. The stage B. The pit C. Backstage D. Home
<<textbox “$answer2ov” “”>>
<div class=”column3″>
3. The name of the first piece of music in an opera is called:
A. Ouverture B. Aria C. Sarrabande D. The Pit
<<textbox “$answer3ov” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|Orchestra voice quiz answer]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
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<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
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title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 30%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Orchestra as the Star Quiz</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: 1.do not forget to capitalize 2. Only use letters</div>
<div class=”columns5″>
<div class=”column1″>
1. A Symphony typically has how many movements?
<<textbox “$answer1star” “”>>
<div class=”column2″>
2. What is the difference between a Symphony and a Concerto?
A. The symphony has a soloist
B. The size of the orchestra
C. The concerto has a soloist
D. Concerto’s have fewer movements
<<textbox “$answer1concerto” “”>>
<div class=”column3″>
3. Suites are often based on what?
A. Emotions B. Dances C. Nature D. A true story
<<textbox “$answer1suite” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|orchestra star quiz answer]]>><</button>><img src=”images/chevron.png”
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<img src=”images/NSOed_blue.png”
style=”position:absolute; left:5px; top:5px; width:250px; height:150px; border:none;”
title=”NSOed” />
<div style=’position:absolute; left: 30%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Orchestra History Quiz</div>
<div style=’position:relative; top:-150px;font-size: 100%; text-align: center;’>Hint: do not forget to capitalize.</div>
<div class=”columns5″>
<div class=”column1″>
1. Place these musical era’s in order of oldest to newest.
A. Baroque B. Romantic C. Medieval D. Rennaissance E. Classical
1. <<textbox “$answer1era” “”>>
2. <<textbox “$answer2era” “”>>
3. <<textbox “$answer3era” “”>>
4. <<textbox “$answer4era” “”>>
5. <<textbox “$answer5era” “”>>
<div class=”column2″>
2. Which of these instruments is <div style=”font-size: 110%; color: red;”> not </div> an ancester of an orchestral instrument?
A. Rebec B. Sackbutt C. Fiddle D. Viol
<<textbox “$answer1anc” “”>>
<div class=”column3″>
3. In which era was the modern orchestra considered to be born?
A. Romantic B. Rennaissance C. Impressionist D. Baroque
<<textbox “$answer1born” “”>>
4. Which era had the largest orchestras?
A. Romantic B. Rennaissance C. Baroque D. Medieval
<<textbox “$answer1settle” “”>>
<<button [[Submit|orchestra history quiz answer]]>><</button>><<if $answer1era is “C” and $answer2era is “D” and $answer3era is “A” and $answer4era is “E” and $answer5era is “B” and $answer1anc is “C” and $answer1born is “D” and $answer1settle is “A”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|Orchestra History Quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1star is “Four” and $answer1concerto is “C” and $answer1suite is “B”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|Orchestra as the Star Quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<<if $answer1ov is “False” and $answer2ov is “B” and $answer3ov is “A”>>
<<audio victory play>>
<<audio clapping play>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<img src=”images/Good Job.png” style=’width: 1280px;’>
<<else>> <<button [[Try again|Orchestra and Voice Quiz]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Orchestra Quizes]]>><</button>>
<</if>><<audio orchestra_tuning stop>>
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<div style=’position:absolute; left: 45%; top: 40px; font-size: 350%; ‘>Jazz & Pop</div>
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The orchestra has also found its way into other non-classical realms of singing. You can hear orchestras accompanying some of the great jazz singers of the middle 1900’s as well as some pop, rock, and even heavy metal groups near the end of the same century and into the new millenium.