Rob Power

Principal BIO

Rob Power


When did you join the NSO?


Who inspired you to learn how to play?

Don Wherry

What’s your favourite piece of classical/orchestral music?


If you could pick one artist to collaborate with, who would it be?

Jimmy Page

What other non-musical creative outlets do you have?

Running. Instrument building

Amy Parsons

Section BIO

Amy Parsons


When did you join the NSO?

September 2023.

Who inspired you to learn how to play?

Bryan Efford.

What’s your favourite piece of classical/orchestral music?

Danzon No. 2.

What other non-musical creative outlets do you have?

Visual arts, model making, and baking.

Read Amy’s full bio

Étienne Gendron

Section BIO

Étienne Gendron


When did you join the NSO?


Who inspired you to learn how to play?

My grandfather, my father and my brother.

What’s your favourite piece of classical/orchestral music?

Turangalîla-Symphonie by Olivier Messiaen

If you could pick one artist to collaborate with, who would it be?

Jacob Collier

What other non-musical creative outlets do you have?

Astronomy, cooking, and reading.

Read Étienne’s full bio



Rob Power

Principal BIO

Rob Power


When did you join the NSO?


Who inspired you to learn how to play?

Don Wherry

What’s your favourite piece of classical/orchestral music?


If you could pick one artist to collaborate with, who would it be?

Jimmy Page

What other non-musical creative outlets do you have?

Running. Instrument building



Bill Brennan

Principal BIO

Bill Brennan


When did you join the NSO?


Who inspired you to learn how to play?

Don Wherry

What’s your favourite piece of classical/orchestral music?


If you could pick one artist to collaborate with, who would it be?

Stevie Wonder

What other non-musical creative outlets do you have?

Other than music, I’m useless. Though I think I could be a decent golf commentator.

Jenny Griffoen

Principal Keyboard BIO

Jenny Griffoen

Principal Keyboard

When did you join the NSO?


Who inspired you to learn how to play?


What’s your favourite piece of classical/orchestral music?


If you could pick one artist to collaborate with, who would it be?


What other non-musical creative outlets do you have?


Brian Way

Principal BIO

Brian Way


When did you join the NSO?


Who inspired you to learn how to play?


What’s your favourite piece of classical/orchestral music?


If you could pick one artist to collaborate with, who would it be?


What other non-musical creative outlets do you have?