We are over 200 musicians strong, backed by a diverse, community-minded board of directors and office staff. Meet your favourite players and find out how to connect with us!
We are over 200 musicians strong, backed by a diverse, community-minded board of directors and office staff. Meet your favourite players and find out how to connect with us!
Andrei Popkov (he/him)
Andrei was born in the city of Togliatti, Russia. At the age of 7 he went to the Music School, and after graduation he entered the College of Music and graduated with honors. In 2013, Andrei graduated from the Conservatory, after which he received the position of Assistant Conductor of the Folk Orchestra of the Conservatory. In addition, he worked for 5 years as a singer of the Philharmonic Chamber Choir and for 9 years as a singer of the Orthodox Cathedral Choir. For 12 years he worked as an artist of the Philharmonic Folk Orchestra.
From 2015 to 2022 he was the conductor of the Orchestra of the Togliatti Baptist Church and conductor of the Consolidated Orchestra of the Baptist Churches of the Volga Region. In 2018 and 2019 he participated in the Master classes of the famous teacher and conductor of the National Orchestra of Uzbekistan Vladimir Neimer. From 2019 to 2022 he was the Head of the Children’s Orchestra of the Lyceum of Arts and from 2018 to 2022 was the Chief Conductor of the Folk Orchestra and Chief Conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the Togliatti Musical College.
Andrei is excited to begin working with the NSO and learn from their dedicated and hard working group of experienced musicians.